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  • What is Captain In You?
    Captain In You is a title given to a certification program in soft skills.
  • What is soft skills?
    Soft Skills are skill sets that help in improving performance of individuals and teams, whether at the workplace or on the personal front.
  • Examples of soft skills?
    Few examples of soft skills include - communication, public speaking, self-leadership, motivation, self-belief, presentation, writing, teamwork, sub-conscious, conflict management, decision making, staff engagement and more...
  • Why do I need soft skills?
    Has your career stalled? Are you overlooked for a promotion? Difficulty in managing, motivating & engaging staff? In today's rapidly evolving workplace, soft skills like communication, teamwork, engagement, connecting, building relationship and trust and many additional soft skills sets help both individuals and teams in improving performance and progression at the work place "BE EMPLOYABLE".
  • Who is training provided to?
    Training provided to Businesses; Schools, Colleges and Individuals. Example A - Businesses: Training to staff whether individually or in groups. Topics covered in leadership, motivation, communication, decision making, teamwork, storytelling, accountability & taking pride where we work. Example B - Schools & Colleges: Training to students in groups with topics in communication, teamwork, preparing for interviews, patience, building rapport & taking accountability for one's work. Example C - Individuals: One to One coaching with individual business owners & management on various challenges including managing staff behaviour, their engagement at work, motivation and more.
  • What are the training modules provided under Captain In You?
    *The below training modules conceptualised and implemented by Captain In You®. 1) 11 Captains: Team Work. 2) CLEAR module in Communication: Clarity; Listening; Empathy; Attitude; Rapport and Respect. In addition, modules under communication include - removing fear when communicating; diversity; visualisation and more. 3) One Blue Hat: Accountability & Taking pride where we work. 4) One Glove: Do not let your subconscious decide for you. 5) Captain In Me ®: Need-based coaching to individual requirements in soft and behavioral skills. 6) Seat 1A in Leadership and Decision Making. In addition to the above we facilitate training modules that include: - ADDIE model - 6 thinking hats - Leadership Characteristics - Motivation - Persuasion On conducting a thorough Training Need Analysis (TNA) we facilitate training modules as per client needs.
  • Can training program be customised to my needs?
    Yes, a training needs analysis (TNA) is carried out following which programs our customised.
  • Is certification provided on completion?
    Yes, certification provided by Captain In You ® to individuals and teams on successful completion of workshops and programs.
  • Can the Captain In You ® program be included in the curriculum of schools and colleges?
    Yes, the programs can be included into curriculums. The program is inclusive, engaging and covers over 200 hours of content designed with the utmost care and need-based of participants.
  • Are there different programs for respective age groups?
    Yes, programs are customised depending on the target audience and age group.

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